Philip Curl, Owner/Founder
Phil graduated from a 4-year team building experiment called the United States Air Force Academy, where he got a commission and a chance to fly Search and Rescue helicopters. As an instructor pilot, he taught Combat Rescue crews and also saved lives as a career. After retiring as a Disabled Veteran he signed on with a government contractor as a computer software engineer, and has been a member and leader of software teams of various sizes for almost 20 years. In that time he has also instructed various classrooms and audiences, and is now attempting to pass his life experiences on to others through team-building exercises.
As a musician (he plays up to 10 instruments, depending on who you talk to), pilot, computer geek, deacon, video game enthusiast, father, classroom teacher, writer, reader, and overall good guy, he's a little hard to pin down in one sentence.
Staff Biographies
Chime In® brings you a staff with a background in multiple team exercises, leadership opportunities and instructional experience.